Demand Metal Detectors And Cops In Every School!
Dear Friend,
Click Here to sign the petition for mandatory metal detectors and armed guards in our schools!
Had enough?
Every time there is a shooting in a school, sensible people demand metal detectors and armed guards. But liberals, anxious to highjack the debate to make ideological points, push gun control laws instead that would do nothing to have prevented the tragedy.
Well, in the aftermath of the Pennsylvania school stabbing tragedy, the futility of gun laws as a way to prevent killings in schools is exposed. Now, nothing can deflect the momentum for installing metal detectors in schools with armed guards to operate them (use police or retired police).
Let us roar with one voice to demand protection for our children! Please sign this petition for mandatory metal detectors and armed guards in our schools!
Click Here to sign the petition for mandatory metal detectors and armed guards in our schools!
We will forward your signature to your Senators and Congressman.
Dick Morris
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