Democrat Strategy: Keep Kamala Off Stage

August 27, 2024

By letting Joe Biden twist slowly in the wind as they speculated in public about whether he would be their candidate and then by promoting early voting, the Democrats are trying to railroad Kamala’s candidacy, giving us as little time as possible to check her out.

It was not until the last possible moment that the party forced Biden to pull out and Democrats began beating the drums calling for early voting.

Among the swing states: 

Pennsylvania opens early voting on September 16, Virginia and Minnesota starts on September 20. Ohio starts on October 8. Arizona permits early voting on October 9.

This early voting schedule means that the window for understanding who Kamala Harris is and what makes her tick is closing only a few short weeks from now.

To foist a dark horse candidate on the electorate unfairly truncates the time we will be allowed to examine the candidate.

In Europe, snap elections are more common. But the nature of their political process permits adequate time for voters to reach a decision.  The period before election day is filled with debates not just of the party leaders but of their entire shadow cabinet. But, in the US we are being asked to decide only weeks or days before we know who is running.

And don’t think for a moment that the short window for Harris is inadvertent. It is key to the Democratic strategy to keep us in the dark as long as possible.

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View Dick’s most recent videos in case you missed them!

Dems Try To Railroad Harris Election – Lunch Alert!

How Bush Beat Kerry – History Video!

Kennedy To Endorse Trump – Lunch Alert!

Harris’s Speech: Totally Underwhelming – Special Alert!

Biden Could Make Harris President In Five Minutes – Lunch Alert!

RFK Endorsement: The New Fusion

August 24, 2024

As with nuclear energy, our political debate in America today is based on the principles of fission — where, by splitting an atom, we can release vast amounts of energy and set off a chain reaction to split more and more atoms until we have a bomb. In politics, we have come to use division and splitting to generate energy and heat and to stimulate other divisions to create even more.

But, as any nuclear scientist will tell you, fusion generates more energy than fission.  And it produces fewer dangerous by-products.

It’s time we replaced the politics of fission with those of fusion.

While our parties are bitterly divided over the usual list of issues: government spending, the debt limit, energy policy, criminal justice, abortion, and immigration, the left and the right see eye-to-eye on a host of other issues.  

The deep state, the military-industrial complex, Big Pharma, Big Tech, the globalist economic and banking system, and entrenched bureaucrats who dominate our government are their common opponents and enemies. But both the left and the right disagree with the establishment center and they: 

  • Both worry about the overreach of the sprawling intelligence complex and its power to distract us from real issues and send our media on political witch-hunts for partisan purposes.
  • Both want to curb pesticide use to protect (and now to restore) purity in our food
  • Both want to curb excessive use of antibiotics to stop resistant strains of bacteria from casting our medicine back into the 19th Century.
  • Both oppose internet censorship, search engines that dominate debate and cast into perdition those who challenge the conventional wisdom.
  • Both want to curb mandatory vaccination, particularly of our children with insufficiently tested medications.
  • Both worry about the domination of banking by TBTF (Too Big To Fail) institutions and the death of regional or community banking.
  • Both want to stop mandatory unionization, protect right to work laws, and seek to preserve the right to be self-employed without being forced onto corporate payrolls and then into unions.
  • Both want to protect us against electronic spying, wiretapping, and surveillance by “smart” electric meters inside our home.
  • Both want to resist being told by an omniscient government where to invest our savings and retirement assets.
  • Both are deeply suspicious of government issued digital currency and worry that a surveillance state could follow in its wake.
  • Both are angry and frustrated that even as the west and Japan jump through hoops and retard their economic growth to lower carbon emissions, China remains free to spew pollutants into the atmosphere of our common planetary home.
  • Both worry that the government doctors will misuse future pandemics to regulate and limit unnecessarily our commercial and personal lives and our children’s education.

But the various components of the establishment fight us both at every turn, deploying their tools of misinformation, biased internet information, and media ridicule to cow us into submission.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has boldly and courageously articulated many of these issues, but his political reach is limited and his political future clouded by self-admitted “skeletons” in his past.

Oddly, it is Donald Trump who is most willing and best equipped to lead the forces of fusion. Only he has the financial support from small donors to resist the dictates of big money. And only he makes no secret of how much he despises big government.

His negative experiences with the FDA have made him predisposed not to believe what Big Pharma says. His terrible suffering at the hands of Big Intelligence makes him highly conscious of the need to limit their power. He has no love for labor unions or their ambitions to force us all to join them and accept their leadership. A lifetime in New York commerce and business has made him justifiably cynical about big banks and intrusive economic regulation. He has experienced first hand how government doctors/bureaucrats seek to use pandemics to limit our freedom. His anger at China for its conduct in helping to spread — if not to create — the COVID pandemic makes him unsympathetic to Beijing’s insistence on abstaining from global carbon emissions limits.

To end a politics predicated on fission and to embrace one based on fusion requires not a warm and fuzzy leader to assuage ruffled feelings, but a determined, financially independent bulldog to confront the establishment and defeat it at every turn.

Donald Trump is the only leader who can do so.

By rising above Republican dogma and truly embracing the needs of Americans, Trump has overcome doctrinal demands for open borders and free trade. Contrary to the received wisdom of Adam Smith, he insists on immigration control and tariffs against trading partners who abuse free access to our markets.

Now, he needs to lead his Party to collaborate with the left in a policy of fusion to address the concerns both wings of the political system share.

He also needs to pioneer solutions both left and the right can accept to end our issue divisions.

On abortion, we need to make common cause on behalf of the obvious solution: Incentivized, subsidized adoption procedures freed from the stranglehold of bureaucracy that keeps more than 30,000 would-be parents from adopting live, healthy babies every year.

On racial equity, we need to continue the solution he pioneered during his presidency: A high tide that lifts all boats.

On crime, we have to change how we treat the habitual, repeat offenders who commit the bulk of the crimes and stop protecting them. And we need to embrace the obvious truth that the more we limit violent crime by imprisoning the criminals, the more people will be less eager to arm themselves to the teeth for self-protection.

We should replace racial preferences, and end discrimination, whether it is brought on by a desire for “equity” or bigotry and prejudice, by adopting programs aimed at helping objectively poor families regardless of their race, gender, or neighborhood.

As with nuclear energy, fusion can provide us with the power to again use our political system to solve our problems rather than create them.

The American people are manifestly sick and weary of where fission has brought them and would welcome the policies of fusion.

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View Dick’s most recent videos in case you missed them!

How Bush Beat Kerry – History Video!

Kennedy To Endorse Trump – Lunch Alert!

Harris’s Speech: Totally Underwhelming – Special Alert!

Biden Could Make Harris President In Five Minutes – Lunch Alert!

Kamala’s Sugar High Is About To End – Lunch Alert!

Harris Is Quickly Wearing Out Her Welcome

August 7, 2024

You only get one chance to make a first impression and Vice President Kamala Harris is squandering hers’.

She’s coasting off Trump’s questioning of Harris’ bona fides as a Black candidate — and the ensuing media backlash — she has failed to use the opportunity of her introduction to the voters to push a message.

Identity politics are not a message.

It’s not enough to be a member of a minority protected class, female, or whatever.

You have to be better at doing something important, than the other side is — like controlling immigration, fighting crime, or stopping a recession.

The Democrats don’t have a message.

All the big issues — the economy, inflation, unemployment, immigration, and crime — skew Republican. There are very few issues on which Democrats are more trusted than Republicans.

And those that are out there are pretty esoteric — climate change, gun violence, racial bigotry, homophobia — and are not going to catch on an be the key election issues that could propel Harris to victory.

It’s not enough to exploit Trump’s mistakes.

Harris needs to articulate a program to deal with the main concerns of voters.

Targets of opportunity are no replacements for good messaging.

And, with news of the stock market crash that spooked financial markets, fear of a recession is becoming a dominant issue. (And Republicans, particularly Trump, are more trusted on this score).

Broadly speaking the majority of voters agree with Trump on the issues and applaud his accomplishments even as a sizable minority don’t like his personality.

But that’s a tradeoff Trump can make every day and still win the election.

By hammering on mistakes Trump makes or ill-considered remarks that escape his lips, Harris has not identified a path to victory, just a path to irrelevance.

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The Democrats Have No Issues – Lunch Alert!

Walz As Vice President For Harris – Lunch Alert!

Biden Is Silent On Fraudulent Venezuela Election – Lunch Alert!

Watergate – History Video!

IRS Employees Owe Over $50 Million In Overdue Taxes – Lunch Alert!

It’s Still The Economy, Stupid

July 30, 2024

Candidate Kamala Harris is busy promoting Biden’s plan to weaken the Supreme Court.  She regularly attacks JD Vance’s views on childless women.  She stridently articulates her support for abortion and regularly emphasizes her commitment to DEI.

But where is she on the economy? 

We don’t hear any plans from her to revive the U.S. economy despite reports that our national debt has just reached $35 trillion.

The economy is almost entirely absent from Kamala’s play book.

She wants to hike the corporate tax rate to 35%, up from its current 21%, but, beyond this profoundly destructive plan, we hear nothing about how she plans to reduce inflation. 

You can’t win a national election through social issues. 

No matter her views on childless women, she never talks about inflation, which rose 9% in her first year as vice-president and has not come back down since.  Nothing could be more obvious than that the Biden-Harris Administration caused inflation to rise from less than two percent under Trump, egged on by Harris’ San Francisco radical programs.

Yet all we hear from Harris is how she wants to cut oil production by banning Fracking and off-shore drilling. 

Where are her pro-growth policies?

Harris also proposes to further burden taxpayers by making them pay for capital gains on their real property holdings even if they are not sold.  We are all accustomed to paying capital gains tax when we sell our homes.  But that’s OK because we just have to set aside some of our profits to pay the tax.  But Harris wants to tax what she calls “unrealized capital gains.” 

Translation:  She wants to tax what you would make if you sold your home, which you don’t plan to do.  She wants to tax potential income from your property.  How are you supposed to pay that tax with no proceeds coming in?  Just dig into your savings!

Harris cannot be allowed to smuggle in the most radical tax plans while she spends her time debating social issues.

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View Dick’s most recent videos in case you missed them!

Harris Proposes Heavy New Tax On Your Home – Lunch Alert!

9/11 And The Aftermath – History Video!

Kamala’s Ultra Left Agenda – Lunch Alert!

Trump Way Ahead Of Harris In Battleground States – Lunch Alert!

Trump Maintains Lead Over Harris – Lunch Alert!

Trump Campaign Can’t Repeat Romney’s 2012 Mistakes

July 29, 2024

A debate usually rages at about this stage of a political campaign about whether or not the front runner should run negative ads against the challenger.

The lesson of the 2012 Obama-Romney campaign is to use negatives early in the process to define your opponent soon after he or she is introduced to the voters.

In March of 2012, Romney had begun to define himself as a job creator/businessman until he ran into the negative campaign the Democrats ran defining him as a “vulture capitalist” who stripped companies of their profitable sectors and left only useless and money-losing operations in their wake.

The unrelenting criticism in negative ads completely changed Romney’s image.

Romney never answered; his campaign slowly died.

Even though Romney’s people — led by skilled media producer Stuart Stevens had very good rebuttal material already filmed showing how Romney had saved thousands of job by turning distressed companies around, the GOP failed to reply.

They saw rebuttal ads as going over to the defensive, and that violated their doctrine borrowed from the French Army as it was collapsing in World War II: “l’offense a la outrance” (offense at the start).

By June 2012, the election was over and Romney could never repair the damage he sustained. Trump’s campaign must not make the same mistake.

They must wallpaper the swing states with 30-second negative ads exposing support by Kamala Harris for:

  • Defunding the police
  • Treating shoplifting under $950 as only a misdemeanor
  • Refusing to treat illegal immigrants as criminals while providing them with taxpayer-funded free healthcare

She also must explain her opposition to fracking even though it produces 79% of American natural gas and 65% of our oil and her opposition to off-shore drilling.

She must elaborate on where our energy is going to come from cut off from these sources.

She needs to explain why she opposed the death penalty for David Hill who murdered police officer Isaac Espanoza pumping 45 bullets into the decorated police officer.

Renata Espinoza, the widow, told reporters “I want people to know who she [Harris] is,”” how she was back then and how her actions affected us.

“I want people to know everything about her, even in the past, before they vote for her. And I want them to hear Isaac’s story.”

So should the voters of America.

We need seriously to understand that Harris wants to replace private health insurance with government paid healthcare, burdening Medicare with massive obligations it can only meet by rationing that care and denying us access to the doctor of our choice.

As San Francisco is ransacked by brazen shoplifters who ostentatiously parade their loot on television, Harris will have to explain why she changed state law so that offenders would only be prosecuted if they stole more than $950 of merchandise.

Now offenders in the City by the Bay have to check the prices of the goods they are stealing to make sure that the amount they are not paying is under $950 so they can get off scot free.

Harris wants to raise corporate taxes from the current 21% to 35%.

She wants owners to pay capital gains taxes on the increase in their home’s values, even if they haven’t sold it.

Usually, you pay capital gains taxes on the profits from your home sale.

Not Harris, who wants you to have to pay even if there is no sale and no profit, and the tax has to come out of your ordinary income.

Harris is dangerous and the Trump campaign needs to get busy identifying her as what she is. The ultimate San Francisco radical.

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View Dick’s most recent videos in case you missed them!

Kamala’s Ultra Left Agenda – Lunch Alert!

Trump Way Ahead Of Harris In Battleground States – Lunch Alert!

Trump Maintains Lead Over Harris – Lunch Alert!

Harris Has A Chance To Define Herself – Lunch Alert!

Harris Beats Obama In The Race To The Nomination – Lunch Alert!

Michelle Is Coming

July 22, 2024

In professional wrestling, promoters sometimes feature matches in which two men compete in the ring with women perched on their shoulders. Could this be where the Democratic Party is headed? Barack and Michelle vs Bill and Hillary?

Bill and Hillary have endorsed Kamala Harris but neither of the Obamas have followed suit.

Instead, Barack has followed a different course saying: “I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of a party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges. I believe that Joe Biden’s vision of a generous, prosperous and united America that provides opportunities for everyone will be on full display at the Democratic convention in August.”

That means, wait up, Michelle is coming!

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View Dick’s most recent videos in case you missed them!

How Trump Beat Hillary And Its Relevance To The Selection Of J.D. Vance – History Video!

Biden Needs To Resign As President – Lunch Alert!

The Assassin’s Bullet Missed Trump But Hit Biden – Lunch Alert!

This Was The Week God Voted For Trump – Lunch Alert!

Trump Chooses His “Apprentice”, J.D. Vance As VP – Lunch Alert!

Make Biden Resign As President Too

July 18, 2024

If rumors are confirmed and Biden has decided to pull out of the race for president but will remain in office until his term expires on January 20, 2025, America could be left in an enormous lurch.

A potential massive disaster.

If Biden is too diminished mentally to be a candidate for president, he must resign the office immediately.

With Russia and China circling the ship of State like hungry sharks, we dare not leave America in the hands of someone who is too mentally disabled, to run for president.

If he can’t run, he shouldn’t serve.

This is not a matter of politics; it is the ultimate question of national security.

An enfeebled Biden would not just be president for a few weeks. He would have to serve for six months — more than enough time for China to invade Taiwan, Russia to move against the rest of Eastern Europe.

Enough time for Iran to attack Israel with nuclear weapons.

Some Democrats may regret leaving the country in the hands of Kamala Harris. They may fantasize about putting Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton in the office instead.

The time for these doubts is long past. Harris is the elected vice president and to depart from the constitutional order of cession would be to complete our country’s transition into la banana republic.

We cannot permit this week’s polling to sweep aside the constitution. That way lies anarchy,

Politically, we cannot permit the Democrats to manipulate the current crisis to regain their footing and start a whole new election with a whole new candidate.

This is not the Roman Empire searching for a new emperor after Caesar’s death.

It is American constitutional democracy.

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View Dick’s most recent videos in case you missed them!

The Assassin’s Bullet Missed Trump But Hit Biden – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

This Was The Week God Voted For Trump – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

Trump Chooses His “Apprentice”, J.D. Vance As VP – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

Democrats Frozen In Fear – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

Previous Presidential Tickets In Turmoil: 1952, 1972 and 1974 – Dick Morris TV: History Video!

Biden’s Exit Strategy: Covid

July 17, 2024

The announcement by the White House that President Biden is suffering from Covid, provides a timely and convenient exit strategy for the president.

In effect a presidency that was born in Covid, got elected through Covid, is now about to exit gracefully through Covid.

Covid provides him with the perfect excuse and exit strategy to avoid a humiliating defeat for reelection.

As all of America, focused on the failed assassination of Donald Trump, the number of Democrats calling for Biden could withdraw has steadily mounted. Now 21 members of the House and Senate have called on Biden to pull out.

The most significant desertion, California congressman Adam Schiff, the Democratic Party’s candidate for senate in the largest state in America.

In a statement warning that that Biden could not defeat Trump, Schiff made clear that he was heading to exit the Biden candidacy. How convenient for Biden to get Covid just as the pieces fall into place for his exit.

Schiff is not just a congressman running for Senate, he is Nancy Pelosi’s protege. He would not have jumped ship on Biden if Nancy had not ordered or at least approved of it.

As Trump piles up an insurmountable lead, catalyzed by the bullet that bore his name, it will be increasingly hard for the Dems to find a sacrificial lamb to run. Gavin Newsom might be an option. He has just the right combination of ambition and stupidity to take up the challenge.

Before shots were fired in Butler, Pa, it seemed that Obama was playing a game to get a fourth term via Michele. But now, it might be even more remote that he or she will take the bait.

Who will the Democrats run?

Most likely Kamala.

That way they can at least stem defections from their base and create a narrative of racism to explain their coming defeat.

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View Dick’s most recent videos in case you missed them!

This Was The Week God Voted For Trump – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

Trump Chooses His “Apprentice”, J.D. Vance As VP – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

Democrats Frozen In Fear – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

Previous Presidential Tickets In Turmoil: 1952, 1972 and 1974 – Dick Morris TV: History Video!

The End Of Biden – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

Clyburn Heads For Biden Next; Party May Follow

July 5, 2024

Congressman James Clyburn (D-SC), the man who delivered the Democratic nomination to Biden, has outlined a process for choosing a candidate should Joe drop out. For a Democratic power broker, who effectively controls the national Democratic black vote, to make such a statement is enormously significant.

Leon Trotsky said “revolution is impossible until it becomes inevitable.” Such is what is happening to Biden’s candidacy. When the New York Times and the Boston Globe discuss a post-Biden world, few listen. But when Clyburn does, we better listen.

Here’s what he said:  Clyburn said he expects a “mini-primary” featuring Vice President Kamala Harris, governors and others in the run-up to the Democratic National Convention in August.

“You can actually fashion the process that’s already in place to make it a mini-primary and I would support that,” said Clyburn, who also spoke to Biden on Wednesday in a conversation his office refused to discuss.

The Democrats face two obstacles to getting rid of Biden: his own stubbornness and intransigence and Kamala Harris’ bad image.  The vice president actually runs behind Biden in the polling.

But now Clyburn suggests a process to get rid of Harris.  That he would make such a suggestion is an enormously significant statement and provides a road map the Democrats may well follow.

A process like Clyburn outlined, even as he voiced support for Harris to remain on the ticket, is an open invitation to Democrats looking for a way to replace Biden and Harris and start over.

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View Dick’s most recent videos in case you missed them!

This Week We Saw American Democracy In Action – Lunch Alert!

Trump Takes A Decisive Lead Over Biden After Debate – Lunch Alert!

The Path Is Clear For Trump – Lunch Alert!

The Conservative Ascendency – Lunch Alert!

Why The Cold War Started – History Video!

Trump Will Still Win

May 30, 2024

The conviction of Donald Trump by a New York City jury will have no effect on the election.

There may be some short-term trend against Trump, but the public fully understands the nature of this verdict and the partisan bias behind it.

Judge Juan Merchan has guaranteed that this verdict will be perceived as a manifestation of judicial bias. His daughter’s employment by the Democratic Party as a fundraiser, and his biased rulings throughout the case make his bias evident.

Undoubtedly Democrats will attempt to make this verdict the linchpin in the election.

But they will be wrong to do so.

Voters have decided to support Trump because of the issues that affect them such as inflation, energy prices, crime, and immigration.

No amount of democratic posturing that Trump is a convicted felon can change that.

Indeed, the main impact of this verdict will be to assure that Biden will indeed be the Democratic nominee and his campaign will be infused with sufficient optimism that he won’t pull out even though he should.

If the Democrats try to make this election about the verdict, they will be making a huge mistake.

This case reminds me of the facts surrounding Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton. By wrapping their whole campaign around the president’s malfeasance, the Republicans erred fatally in 1998.

Voters felt that they were ignoring the real issues by only focusing on the president’s conduct instead of talking about the real problems they faced in their own lives.

But of course, we need to see how far the Democrats are willing to take this charade of due process. If judge Juan M. Merchan chooses to imprison Donald Trump or restrict his ability to campaign, that will become the only issue.

And it will redound to Trump’s benefit.

Big time.


View Dick’s most recent videos in case you missed them!Trump Conviction Won’t Matter – Special Alert!

Trump Has Laid The Predicate For Discrediting Any Jury Conviction – Lunch Alert!

What Happens If Trump Is Convicted? – Lunch Alert!

Whatever The Verdict Today, Trump Wins – Lunch Alert!

Is The Pandemic Treaty Really Dead? – Lunch Alert!

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