Demand That FBI Notes On Hillary Be Made Public – Not Just For Congress To See!

By Dick Morris on August 18, 2016


We previously circulated a petition — and got huge numbers of signatories — demanding that the FBI notes of the interrogation of Hillary Clinton about her private email server be made public as FBI Director James Comey promised.

Now the Administration has decided to let Congress see the notes, but not the general public. They are in a private room at the Capitol where individual Congressmen can come in and read it but not make copies.

This interrogation was by public officers paid by tax money. We demand that they be made public. We are about to vote on whether or not this woman should be president and we are entitled to know what she told the FBI.

WE, the Undersigned, demand that the FBI notes of its interrogation of Hillary Clinton be made public. It is not enough for Congress to see them. WE demand the right to see them for ourselves.

Order Dick And Eileen’s New Book, Armageddon: How Trump Can Beat Hillary — CLICK HERE NOW!

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