Dear Dickmorris.com Reader:
Yesterday, on behalf of the the League of American Voters, I sent an urgent message to you that is repeated below.
I believe it is vitally important you read it and act on it. Many people may have missed it. If you have read it, I apologize, but I hope you can share it with friends as well.
Time is absolutely critical in states like Massachusetts and elsewhere and you can make a big difference. Please read my urgent message below.
Dear Reader:
Time is critical. Americans all over the country are fed up with the Obama Administration. They don’t want his radical healthcare program
Citizens from states like Massachusetts, Nebraska, Florida and others are rising up as never before.
Even in liberal states like Massachusetts citizens are showing their outrage over the Obama-Pelosi-Reid alliance and their dismal record at job creation efforts and their inability to protect us against terrorism.
The Democrats know that the final health vote has not taken place on the health care bill and that key Senators and Congressmen are starting to waver.
The politicians in Washington have seen the latest Rasmussen poll with Obama’s job approval down to 46%.
It is vital that we strike right now with a TV ad campaign in key states across the nation, states like Massachusetts, Nebraska, Colorado, Florida and others must be targeted, to expose the dangerous Obama-Pelosi-Reid healthcare plan and their out of control spending plans.
If polling data and other indices of public opinion reflect the growing outrage at Obama, the liberals in Washington will think twice before they vote for more taxes, spending and regulation.
The League of American Voters will have a new ad this weekend exposing Obama-Pelosi-Reid and their allies.
The League, where I serve as chief strategist, needs to spend $500,000 urgently this weekend and beyond in states like Massachusetts.
You can help this effort by Going Here Now.
I believe this ad will galvanize public opinion against Reid and Pelosi and Obama and offer real checks and balances in Washington.
Please donate in the next 24 hours so the ads can have an immediate effect on the national debate — Go Here Now.
Thank you,
Dick Morris