Understanding Trump: A Review Of Newt Gingrich’s New Book
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Donald Trump has become so polarizing a figure in our politics that everybody is devoted either to praising him or panning him, but most don’t take the time or trouble to understand him. And, as a result, very few people do.
Newt Gingrich does.
In his new book, Understanding Trump, he lets us in on what he has learned.
He explains Donald by contrasting him with other types of people with whom we are more familiar in public life.
Queens, Not Manhattan — When you say you are from New York, people think skyscrapers, Wall Street, and elite beautiful people. But Trump thinks of Queens, the working-class borough in which he was raised. Newt stresses that Donald grew up in a 2,000-square foot modest home, not a mansion. He went to a military academy for high school, not an elite prep school. He came to Manhattan as so many have — a blue collar boy looking to move up.
Entrepreneur Not An Academic — Donald is not interested in theory, Newt tells us. If it works, do it. If not, junk it. He wants to do what works. An academic values process. Trump values results.
A Builder, Not A Financier — Newt doesn’t mention Mitt Romney, but he might as well have. He contrasts financiers who stay in air conditioned offices and play with computer models and spread sheets with builders who get their hands dirty on job sites.
A Pragmatist, Not An Ideologue — Is Trump a conservative? Newt argues that he is more of an anti-liberal who spurns ideological solutions that don’t accomplish anything. And says that Donald is anti-stupid, rejecting policies, for example, that bring to our shores people who want to kill us.
A Father First — We all loved the Kennedys because there were so many of them and they blended into a team. So do the Trumps. Donald has built an empire, but he has first raised a family. And, as Newt says, that’s more important.
Trump Doesn’t Just Understand The Media, He Masters It — Trump gets it that honesty is what people want more than anything else. By letting it all hang out in his tweets, Donald puts his views on the line. Nobody can accuse him of posturing or posing. Even the warts he reveals go to demonstrate his authenticity.
Dream Big, Achieve Big — Donald Trump, Newt says, is the first person to be elected president without some public office or military rank in his background. And, he predicts, Donald may become one of our greatest presidents.
So, before you judge Trump, understand him. And use Newt’s book as a guide.
Order A Copy Of Understanding Trump By Newt Gingrich — CLICK HERE!
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