Stop Illegal Voting!
Dear Friend,
Now that President Trump is pulling even in the polls after Harris ended her convention without the traditional “bounce” in the polling, we are left with a very close race.
The key question that looms over everything is now: Will 15 million people who came to the U.S. illegally be able to vote and elect Harris president?
I am working full time to be sure that they will not vote!
Equipped with drivers licenses, issued by liberal state governments, they are waiting to invade our polling places and elect Harris president.
It’s illegal of course for anyone to vote if they are not a citizen, whether or not they have a driver’s license, but millions are using their licenses to try to cast ballots.
The VoteLegalFund, which Doug DiPierro and I founded, is working to raise money to put posters and billboards all over in swing states reminding people that non-citizens cannot vote and saying that those who try to, will be hunted down by ICE to the full extent of the law.
The best way — really the only way — to stop illegal voting is to educate those who would try to vote illegally of the dire consequences if they do.
The Democrats hope that with 15 million people clamoring to vote, poll watchers and inspectors will be overwhelmed.
That’s why the Legal Vote Fund is emphasizing to potential illegal voters that they face possible deportation should they show up and try to vote if they are not legal citizens.
President Trump just indicated that he wants Congress to pass the SAVE Act that seeks to enforce prohibitions on illegal voting.
He has said that this bill is so important that he is prepared to let the government run out of money and close down unless this amendment is passed!
But you can make all the difference in the world! You can save our country!
Donate to the VoteLegalFund to warn illegals not to vote!
To donate, CLICK HERE!
Please give generously. Our country depends on it!
Thank you,
Dick Morris
Donate to the VoteLegalFund to warn illegals not to vote — CLICK HERE!
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View Dick’s most recent videos in case you missed them!
Stop Illegal Voting – Lunch Alert!
The Most Famous Dinner In American History: June 20, 1790 – History Video!
Harris Flip Flopping Becomes Key Issue – Lunch Alert!
Kamala Coming Out Of Hiding – Lunch Alert!
Kamala Can Run But She Can’t Hide – Lunch Alert!