Obama Cancels Cancer Patient And Paraplegic
Dear Friend,
The brutality of the cancellations being imposed by ObamaCare is almost unfathomable. Listen to these brief clips from my radio show (a few minutes each) of a cancer patient and a paraplegic who are canceled. The cancer patient said 7 of 20 people in the waiting room yesterday for radiation were canceled!
Click Here to listen to the ObamaCare horror stories!
Please sign this petition to protest these cancellations and to demand that they be rescinded.
Click Here To Sign The Petition To Reverse ObamaCare Insurance Cancellations!
Dick Morris
View my most recent videos in case you missed them!
Bribery In ObamaCare Is Legal – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
Will My Health Insurance Be Canceled??? Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
Why Virginia Is REALLY Bad For Obama – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
Obama’s Credibility Unravels – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
How We End ObamaCare – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!