Hillary Channels Bill To Run For President

By Dick Morris on September 17, 2022

In my new book, The Return: Trump’s Big 2024 Comeback, I predict Hillary Clinton will run for president in ’24 and outline the steps that I think she’s going to take to set up her candidacy. Do I know Hillary or what? Each day now she seems to be reading my book and following the game plan I outline just like she used to when I was working for her.

But don’t freak out! this story ends with her losing to Trump by a lot!

Basically, Hillary is going to channel Bill Clinton and try to run for president in 2024 the same way he ran in 1992. Her husband ran as the Democratic Party was recovering from shellshock after by the massive defeats of Walter Mondale and Mike Dukakis in the preceding years. Bill capitalized on that bitter feeling of defeat by saying that he would move the Democratic Party back to the center and appeal to a new group of voters. He enlisted my help in doing so.

To prove his moderation, he left the campaign trail during the primaries to return to Arkansas to sign a death warrant allowing the state’s first execution in decades. He required teachers to take competency tests and fired those who failed. He advocated building a wall on the southern border and in fact built almost 200 miles of it. He more than doubled the number of deportations of illegal immigrants.

And, in one of the most classic moments of campaign history, he criticized black activist and singer Sister Souljah for saying, after the Los Angeles riots of 1992, “If black people kill black people every day, why not have a week and kill white people?”

Now, Hillary is looking to capitalize on the likely defeat the Democrats are facing in the coming Congressional elections as surely as Bill capitalized on Mondale’s and Dukakis’ losses.

To position herself to do so, she is dropping comments that point to a moderating of her views such as her statement this week that the American people do not want open borders and her comment a few weeks ago that both parties should tone down their rhetoric after Biden called MAGA Republicans “semi fascists.”

She won’t make an overt move to run until after the Democrats lose the Congressional and Senate elections this year. After that wipe-out, party leaders will force Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race and announce that he will not seek re-election. Until then, she’ll pose as a party loyalist who supports Biden and wouldn’t dream of running if he is in the race.

But, after he loses and announces that he’s not running again, expect her to come out as a “new Democrat” just like Bill did saying that she represents the only way to free the party from the quagmire of defeat.

Once Biden is forced out of the race, the ultra-leftist candidates — like Bernie Sanders, California’s Governor Gavin Newsome, and even New York Congresswoman AOC will poll near the top of the heap in a Democratic primary field.

Party stalwarts, fearful of a Trump return to office, will beg her to intercede and run for president just as she did in 2016 to stop Bernie Sanders. She’ll accede to their entreaties and run in the primaries as a moderate alternative.

But she’ll lose most of the primaries because the party’s base has moved so far to the left. However, the establishment will step in to rescue her by awarding her a disproportionate share of the appointed super delegates.

In November of 2024, however, she will lose badly to Trump. The worsening economy will seal the Democratic Party’s fate and her ongoing scandals and basic lack of integrity will come back to haunt her.

And Donald Trump will be the 47th — as well as the 45th — president of the United States.

The End.

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