Give Dad A Signed Copy of Screwed!
Dear Friend,
If you Click Here, you can order a copy of our new book Screwed! which can still be delivered to you by Father’s Day! And if you Click Here, you can order a FREE signed bookplate that you can paste into the book. The bookplate will go out First-Class Mail within two days so it will either arrive the day before Father’s Day or shortly thereafter.
Screwed! explains how:
* Obama is trying to give away American sovereignty in a series of treaties he will submit for ratification during the lame duck session this year.
* China is hacking into American technology — civilian and military — and stealing its way to commercial and armed prominence.
* How Obama is sitting by doing nothing while China undervalues its currency and rips us off to the tune of $350 billion a year
* How we are giving foreign aid to our worst enemies…including $1 billion to the Palestinian Authority and Hamas.
* How our aid to Pakistan goes to terrorist groups that kill American soldiers.
* How we are defending the second most corrupt government in the world (Afghanistan), a mission that is not central to our anti-terror agenda.
Give Dad the gift of knowledge and information he’ll value!
Click Here to order a copy of Dick and Eileen’s new book, SCREWED!
Click Here to order a copy of Dick and Eileen’s new book, SCREWED!