Dick Morris and Congressman Pete Hoekstra
Dear Friend,
Earlier today, on my radio show (2-6 PM ET Mon-Wed on WPHT 1210 AM or online at DickMorris.com), I interviewed Congressman Pete Hoekstra, former chair of the House Intelligence Committee.
He offers astonishing insights about how we have disarmed our homeland security apparatus, particularly our ability to interrogate terrorists and get intelligence. It lasts 15 minutes. Give a listen.
Click Here to listen to my interview with Congressman Pete Hoekstra!
And come online at DickMorris.com from 2-6 ET and listen to my show. Call-in at 855-839-1210 and say hi. Love to talk with you!
View my most recent videos in case you missed them!
Stop The ATF Database – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
Obama’s Tax Programs Are Hurting Working People – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
Civil War: How Democratic Generals Undermined Lincoln – Dick Morris TV: History Video!
ObamaCare Death Panels – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
Stop Obama Takeover Of Election Regulation – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!