Videos - Archives

Student Loans Subsidize ObamaCare – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


Eric Holder…Going, Going, Gone! Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


Leak Investigations Threaten Freedom – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


Obama And Foreign Money With Which He Financed His Campaign – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


America: The Indispensable Nation – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


Obama Surrenders To Terrorists – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


IRS Scandal Stirs Preference For Smaller Government – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


Outrage! Obama Won’t Arrest Benghazi Terrorists – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


Should IRS Run ObamaCare? Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


AP Scandal Wrecks Obama-Media Marriage – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


Nixon And Obama Compared – Dick Morris TV: History Video!


Hospitals Penalized For Quality Medical Care – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


The Emerging Shape Of Immigration Reform – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


Obama Is Losing Control Over Events – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


IRS Abuse: The End Of Obama? Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


How The White House Covered Up Benghazi – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


Economy: Bubble Will Burst – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


FHA: The New Fannie Mae – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


Benghazi Hearings Will Explode Obama – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


Stop Losing Elections – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


Tax Reform: A Deal In The Works? Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


Stop ObamaCare Rationing – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


Backdoor Gun Control: Ammo Purchases – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


How To Protect Your City From Terrorism – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

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