History - Archives

How Trump Beat Hillary And Its Relevance To The Selection Of J.D. Vance – History Video!


Previous Presidential Tickets In Turmoil: 1952, 1972 and 1974 – History Video!


Why Hitler Declared War On The U.S. – History Video!


Why The Cold War Started – History Video!


Nixon’s Legacy – History Video!


Cleveland Wins Election On Sound Money Policy – History Video!


The Last Time A President Ran Against A President: The Election Of Grover Cleveland In 1884 – History Video!


The 1967 War And Since – History Video!


How Israel Survived Its First War With The Arabs – History Video!


How Israel Was Formed – Lunch Alert!


Why Lincoln Was A Republican – History Video!


How Kennedy Finessed Nixon – History Video!


The Political Meaning Of The Wizard Of Oz – History Video!


How British Colonial Policy Spawned Modern Conflicts – History Video!


The Only Vice President To Write A Hit Song, And Win A Nobel Prize – History Video!


Women’s Suffrage, Prohibition, Income Tax, All Passed At The Same Time: Here’s Why – History Video!


How FDR Outfoxed Churchill Over The Atlantic Charter – History Video!


The History Of Suppression Of Free Speech: The Alien & Sedition Acts – History Video!


The Tehran Conference: The Key To Toppling Hitler – History Video!


Churchill Opposed D-Day Right Up To The Eve Of The Invasion – History Video!


The Huge Strategic Significance Of The Doolittle Raid On Tokyo – History Video!


When Did The Partisan Divide Become So Serious? – History Video!


How Trump Solved Illegal Immigration / The Inside Story – History Video!


How Trump Gave Israel Long Term Peace – History Video!


How Nixon Became One Of Clinton’s Advisors – History Video!


The Political History Of Feminism – History Video!


The War Of 1812, A Comedy Of Errors That Ended Right – History Video!


The Real Story Of The Kennedy Assassination – History Video!


After Attempt To Kill Hitler Failed, Could Allies Have Ended War Quicker? – History Video!


Jefferson Blows Past All Limits On Federal Power With Louisiana Purchase – History Video!


Aaron Burr To Steal The Presidency From Jefferson…And Hamilton Stops Him – History Video!

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