Obama Wants 110,000 New Muslim Refugees This Coming Year

By Dick Morris on September 21, 2016

Dear Friend,

Obama wants an unbelievable total of 110,000 new Muslim refugees this coming year! We apologize for the typo in yesterday’s Lunch Alert! email that mistakenly read that Obama wants only 11,000 new Muslim refugees. Even though Dick said the correct total in the video itself, we need to highlight that the true amount of 110,000 new Muslim refugees is much, much worse!

Click Here to watch the video — Obama Wants 110,000 More Muslim Refugees Even As Bomb Dust Settles!



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View my most recent videos in case you missed them!

How Bush Rehabbed The Clintons & Made Hillary’s Candidacy Possible – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

Obama Wants 110,000 More Muslim Refugees Even As Bomb Dust Settles – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

ISIS Is Back: And It Will Make All The Difference – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

Washington Focuses On Civil War Against Loyalists After Valley Forge – Dick Morris TV: History Video!

Colin Powell Emails On Hillary: We Totally Agree With Him

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